You may have noticed that over the summer I included a new item on the sidebar; sponsors. For those that didn’t immediately delete my feed from their reader and/or unsubscribe me from the mailing list because I’ve “sold out”, I appreciate you for sticking around. My ultimate goal for the sponorsed links (only one of which is an actual sponsor, the rest are just Google Video Ads) is not to make any substantial amount of money. My goal for the links is to cover the simple hosting costs of the site (about $120 a year), and help cover any projects that I’m doing with my kids (hosting for other wikis, blogs, websites).
I know, I know, some may think “Look at Mr. Bigshot, making all this money from our precious clicks and reading time”. Since adding the advertising links I’ve made a whopping $3.24 from Google. And that’s since the middle of summer. So I’m really not looking to get rich here, just trying to pay the bills that I otherwise have been taking out of my own pocket. On the bright side, rather than using text links which appear based on content and my occasionally diaply something less than appropriate, I have chosen to use Google’s new Youtube advertisements. Which means I got to scroll through copious lists of advert categories and channels to hand pick certain videos. Most of them are focused on education, but a few also have an HGTV vibe to them about DIY tech, geeky, and science things you can do around the house. Enjoy…or not, the choice is yours!
Huh, well, that saves me the trouble of trying to add advertising to my little blog… Sounds like it won’t be worth the time!
Chris Eldreds last blog post..Copy protection built in on my new Macbook?
I decided to add adsense to my blog this summer as well. I’m just looking to make ehough to buy some new toys for the Physics closet.
So far I’ve earned $3.46. I also started mid summer. I just went with text ads though. I also decided to try Amazon Associates. Amazon Associates generates more clicks, but you don’t earn anything unless they buy what you’ve linked to.
Bottom line, I’m contemplating removing the ads altogether.
Steve Dickies last blog post..Ancient Rome in 3D for Google Earth
Nothing wrong with trying to cover expenses or make some money for that matter. You put in the time and energy. It’s not like you’re shilling for bad products or advocating for Blackboard (wait, are those the same thing?).
I’ve considered it myself a number of times but figured I wouldn’t make any money. In the end I ended up attaching a few other domains and making some sites for other people to subsidize things. That might work for you. The pay is a lot quicker. 🙂
Toms last blog post..DIY Doctorate?