I stumbled across Worldwide Scrabble while looking through some other people’s bookmarked sites over at Jots, the handy social bookmarking system we use for our Fresh Links. I was floored to discover that not only is it free, but you can play with 2, 3, or 4 players! A handy tool for language arts, vocabulary, or spelling, the web site is also an excellent example of unique communication via the Internet. Setting up a game is rather simple, but requires that you know the individual or individuals that you’re playing against. Once you’ve chosen a room to play in and started a new game you must enter the names of the players and their e-mail addresses. The web site contacts everyone whose e-mail is listed, and as long as everyone responds and makes their initial move within 48 hours, the game can be played at each individual’s leisure.
Don’t have someone to play against? They also have a forum called the “Player’s Pool” where you can locate an opponent with your ability level. While any game of on line Scrabble will require a serious time commitment, I think it’s a novel idea to allow people to play correspondence Scrabble in much the same way Chess has been played for decades.
I checked out that Scrabble game, Worldwide Scrabble, that was noted as FREE. When I looked at it, the copy said that it was $12.00 (UK?).
That’s really odd, Donna, because when I visit the link it let me setup a game and get started with no problem. Perhaps you ran into some advertisement pop up?