3 Ways to Create Math Equations

I was asked a couple of weeks ago by a teacher in my district about various ways to create math equations using software we had available to us in our district. Our teachers use a wide variety of tools, including NeoOffice, ExamView, and a host of other applications. Our Macs also include Grapher, we have access to Google Docs, and most of our teachers have Promethean Interactive Whiteboards. That means they also have access to the equation editor within ActivInspire, the software that many of our elementary and middle school teachers use to craft interactive lessons.

In short, we have no shortage of ways in which math equations can be written. I wanted to make sure that I would have handy access to materials for tutorials, so I spent some time creating the following videos today. They aren’t my best screencasts, but at least they provide three quick ways to create math equations using software that is either freely available or accessible to those in our district. Please look passed my amateurish attempts to talk math operations 🙂

Creating Equations with Grapher (Comes installed with all Macs)


Creating Equations with Google Docs (Free for all Google Accounts)

Creating Equations with ActivInspire (Available to all Promethean Users)