Talk Like a Pirate on Tech Savvy Ed!

PirateYes, yes, I know that Morning Edition and countless local radio stations have already beaten me to the announcement that today is in fact, International Talk Like a Pirate Day, but I bet they don’t have the old Pirate Translator up and running on their websites or blogs.

Good thing I do. That’s right, today, anyone who leaves a comment on the blog will have their insightful comments, words, and thoughts translated automatically into Piratese. No references to Johnny Depp, rum, or booty needed.

I originally found this earlier in the year for my infamous April Fools’ day prank in which I gave up blogging for the life of a pirate. Using a rather ingenius little plugin for WordPress from Dougal Campbell, I’m able to translate any comments, posts, or other text on my blog into Pirate, Jive, Sweddish Chef, and a few other choice yet humorous”languages”. Apparently, if you leave the plugin activated, it hijacks your blog on Talk Like a Pirate Day, which I’m all too excited about, so please feel free to leave a comment, and join the Piratey discussion today.

And in case you’re wondering how educational this might be…Imagine starting up your very own Pirate blog for your class, and have online discussions about what life might have been like for Caribbean and South American colonies during the age of Piracy, while talking like Pirates. Or use it as a humorous anticipatory set, to get the kids talking and chatting online beyond just the usual “Hey, what’s up” that so many of them post.


  1. I love Talk Like a Pirate Day! I had an entire class of 5th graders, AAARGH-ing, Ahoy Matey-ing, and Shiverin’ in their boots!

    Plus the skull and cross bones tattoo makes me feel like a real pirate.

    Oh, and we did do some technology today, but no pirates on the computer. The hooks just tend to get in the way of using the mice.

  2. Talking like a Pirate just fit in with the theme of my library so well this year, it has been a big hit! The Library is Ship Awesome, I am Captain Meyer. Each classroom is a pirate ship with the students Bookeneers, coming to the library to take what ever information, ideas, words that make meaning in their life.
    Our morning announcements included the piratesse and costumes plus a song by our Assistant Principal. What a great way to excite kids for a day of learning.

  3. I ran across some references to this “talk like a pirate day” thing last year, but never really looked into it. I wonder if we could include period dress in this one as well. I’ve always been a big fan of pirate-themed PC games and have often wanted to plunder procure some 17th or 18th century pirate garb or naval uniforms to enhance the role playing experience. If we actually wore this stuff in “real life”, it could be a way of drawing attention and eventually promoting our websites or related products as well.

    Scurvys last blog post..50 Quotes About English

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