From Videoconferencing Out on a Lim:
Thanks to CESA #7, we have several classes this year connecting to Mrs. Claus in the North Pole. The session starts with questions from the students such as:
- What’s your favorite cookie?
- What’s the weather like in the North Pole?
- What do you like to cook for Santa?
- What is your favorite color?
Next the program includes a couple of stories and songs. A great first VC for young students, and covers language arts skills too. I think CESA #7 has a few slots left if you want to participate this year. What a fun connection!
I know that I said I wanted to show some love for the secondary teachers, but I can’t resist sharing this for the wee little ones. Janine Lim, a video conference coordinator for a local Educational Media Center, does a fantastic job of finding the most unique, and yet standards-based video conference content providers. Everyone always talks about Santa, but Mrs. Claus is definitely an untapped resource. A Visit with Mrs. Claus is more of an introductory to the whole video conference learning experience for early elementary students, but it would also sere as a great way for a kindergarten or first grade teacher to work on retelling stories, recalling plot, character, and settings. After reading a story to the children, there’s a question and answer period in which the students are asked questions about what was read. The students also have the opportunity to ask Mrs. Claus some questions.
My question for Mrs. Claus? Don’t you ever feel sorry for all the “naughty” children Santa brings coal to?
Thanks for spreading the word Ben!
SUre thing Janine. Keep the great VC comments coming! I’ve even added a teleconferncing section to the forum in case you’re ever interested in stopping by to add a few goodies or see what others are coming up with.